Karakteristik Fisik Vampir Twilight
Dalam alam semesta Twilight, semua vampir awalnya manusia. Sebagai vampir, mereka mempertahankan
tutup kemiripan fisik dengan bentuk manusia mereka, satu-satunya perbedaan andal terlihat menjadi
universal yang pucat kulit, perubahan warna mata, dan tingkat kecantikan.
Dalam sinar matahari langsung, perbedaan antara manusia dan vampir menjadi lebih jelas. Itu
membran sel dari vampir tersebut tidak lembut atau permeabel seperti dalam sel manusia, ia memiliki kristal
sifat yang menyebabkan permukaan kulit vampir bereaksi prismatically, memberikan vampir a
glitter-seperti shimmer di bawah sinar matahari.
-Bella (Twilight, Bab 13)
Faktor umum dari keindahan antara vampir sebagian besar karena ini kulit kristal. Kehalusan yang sempurna, gloss, dan bahkan warna kulit memberikan ilusi wajah tanpa cela. Kulit
bereaksi berbeda terhadap cahaya, menciptakan efek sudut yang mempertinggi persepsi keindahan.
Selain itu, ketegasan stonelike dari tubuh vampir menciptakan tampilan yang mirip dengan otot,
membuat setiap manusia ukuran tampil lebih cocok sebagai vampir. Seperti manusia, vampir tertarik untuk
kecantikan. Ketika memilih manusia untuk proses transformasi, vampir adalah sebagai mungkin sebagai
manusia akan termotivasi oleh wajah cantik dan tubuh.
Kulit pucat vampir adalah produk dari proses transformatif vampir racun itu. Racun
lintah pigmen semua dari kulit karena perubahan kulit manusia menjadi semakin tidak bisa dihancurkan
vampir bentuk. Terlepas dari etnis asli, kulit vampir akan menjadi sangat pucat. Itu
rona sedikit bervariasi, dengan kulit lebih gelap manusia memiliki nada zaitun hampir tidak dapat dibedakan mereka
vampir kulit, tapi bayangan terang tetap sama. Semua bentuk pigmentasi kulit-bintik-bintik,
tahi lalat, tanda lahir, umur tanda, bekas luka, dan tato-hilang selama transformasi.
Sementara semua vampir memiliki kulit pucat sama, mereka dapat memiliki berbagai warna mata.
Vampir yang belum makan selama beberapa minggu akan memiliki iris kokoh hitam. Vampir
akan memiliki mata merah tua jika mereka meminum darah manusia, dan menengah berwarna emas iris jika mereka minum
darah binatang. Vampir yang baru diubah akan memiliki iris merah yang sangat terang,
terlepas dari diet. Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk menyamarkan fitur ini dengan lensa kontak berwarna, tetapi
pelumas di mata vampir membuat kontak lensa hilang sangat cepat. Satu pasang akan berlangsung hanya beberapa jam.
Vampir universal juga menunjukkan lingkaran hitam di bawah mata mereka. Kalangan ini, seperti perubahan
iris, menunjukkan kehausan di vampir. Mereka terlihat lebih gelap dan lebih jelas ketika vampir memiliki
tidak baru-baru makan.
-Sementara vampir yang menakutkan dan mematikan, mereka juga memikat. Mereka bisa menjadi indah;
mereka bisa canggih, mereka memiliki kualitas yang kita benar-benar bercita-cita untuk: pemuda abadi, kekuatan,
dan kecerdasan. Sisi ganda untuk vampir membuat mereka sulit untuk menolak. ‖-Stephenie
Gigi vampir muncul sama seperti gigi manusia, gigi taring tidak lagi atau lebih
menunjuk dibandingkan gigi taring manusia. Namun, gigi vampir yang bisa dipecahkan, pisau cukur tajam pada mereka
tepi, dan cukup kuat untuk memotong melalui hampir semua substansi, termasuk kulit vampir.
Kurang terlihat dari fitur fisik adalah kecenderungan vampir terhadap keheningan.
Tidak seperti manusia, yang tumbuh tidak nyaman setelah memegang salah satu posisi fisik untuk sementara waktu,
vampir yang paling nyaman saat bergerak sempurna. Reaksi yang umum vampir terhadap stres
adalah imobilitas patung-seperti.
Vampir bernapas secara refleks, seperti halnya manusia, tetapi mereka tidak membutuhkan oksigen. Mereka adalah
mampu secara sadar berhenti bernapas untuk jangka waktu, tetapi mereka menemukan sensasi
tidak nyaman. Vampir mengandalkan indra penciuman mereka atas indera lainnya, mirip dengan banyak hewan
predator. Kurangnya bau inilah yang menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan dari tidak bernapas.
Beberapa vampir sangat tua yang tampak berbeda dari orang lain karena keheningan ini. Jika
vampir tetap tidak bergerak cukup sering selama ribuan tahun, debu sebenarnya mulai membatu
dalam menanggapi racun seperti cairan yang melumasi mata dan kulit. Akhirnya, vampir
kulit mulai muncul tipis dan tembus, seperti kulit bawang kekuatan-meskipun dari
kulit tidak terganggu. Sebuah film susu meliputi mata, membuat iris terlihat berwarna pink.
Sekali lagi, penglihatan vampir tidak terganggu.
Secara internal, sistem vampir mengandung banyak racun berbasis cairan yang mirip, dan dalam
beberapa kasus melakukan fungsi yang sama seperti, cairan manusia yang digantikan. Hanya salivalike
cairan di mulut vampir adalah berbisa. Sebuah cairan yang mirip dengan racun ini bekerja sebagai
pelumas antara sel-sel kulit keras, membuat gerakan mungkin. Lain melumasi
mata vampir sehingga mereka dapat bergerak dengan mudah di dalam rongganya. Namun, vampir tidak menghasilkan
air mata, air mata ada untuk melindungi mata dari kerusakan oleh benda asing kecil, dan benda-benda
tidak akan mampu untuk menyakiti mata vampir. Seluruh tubuh, pola ini berulang, dengan
racun-seperti cairan melakukan fungsi yang masih perlu untuk vampir. Terutama
absen adalah sistem peredaran darah.
Vampir yang dibekukan di negara di mana mereka berubah.
Pergantian Fisik :
Vampir yang dibekukan di negara di mana mereka berubah. Mereka tidak bertambah tua,
lebih tinggi, atau lebih luas, atau mengalami perubahan fisik lainnya, termasuk ketidaksadaran (vampir
tidak pernah tidur). Kuku dan rambut tidak tumbuh. Rambut mereka tidak berubah warna.
In the Twilight universe all vampires were originally human. As vampires, they retain a
close physical resemblance to their human form, the only reliably noticeable differences being a
universal pallor of skin, a change in eye color, and heightened beauty.
In direct sunlight, the disparity between human and vampire becomes more obvious. The
cellular membrane of the vampire is not as soft or permeable as in a human cell; it has crystalline
properties that cause the surface of vampire skin to react prismatically, giving the vampire a
glitter-like shimmer in sunlight.
—Bella (Twilight, Chapter 13)
The common factor of beauty among vampires is mostly due to this crystalline skin. The
perfect smoothness, gloss, and even color of the skin give the illusion of a flawless face. The skin
reacts differently to light, creating an angular effect that heightens the perception of beauty.
Additionally, the stonelike firmness of the vampire body creates a look similar to muscle,
making any size human appear more fit as a vampire. Like humans, vampires are drawn to
beauty. When choosing a human for the transformation process, vampires are as likely as
humans to be motivated by a beautiful face and body.
Pale vampire skin is a product of vampire venom‘s transformative process. The venom
leeches all pigment from the skin as it changes the human skin into the more indestructible
vampire form. Regardless of original ethnicity, a vampire‘s skin will be exceptionally pale. The
hue varies slightly, with darker-skinned humans having a barely discernible olive tone to their
vampire skin, but the light shade remains the same. All forms of skin pigmentation—freckles,
moles, birthmarks, age marks, scars, and tattoos—disappear during the transformation.
While all vampires have similarly pale skin, they can have a certain variety of eye colors.
Vampires who haven‘t fed for a few weeks will have solidly black irises. Recently fed vampires
will have deep red eyes if they drank human blood, and medium gold–colored irises if they drank
animal blood. Vampires who have been newly transformed will have very bright red irises,
regardless of diet. It is possible to disguise this feature with colored contact lenses, but the
lubricant in vampire eyes breaks the contacts down quickly. One pair will last only a few hours.
Vampires also universally exhibit dark circles under their eyes. These circles, like the changing
irises, denote thirst in a vampire. They appear darker and more obvious when the vampire has
not recently fed.
―While vampires are frightening and deadly, they are also alluring. They can be beautiful;
they can be sophisticated; they have qualities that we actually aspire to: eternal youth, strength,
and intelligence. The dual side to vampires makes them hard to resist.‖ —Stephenie
Vampire teeth appear the same as human teeth; the canines are not longer or more
pointed than human canines. However, vampire teeth are unbreakable, razor sharp on their
edges, and strong enough to cut through almost any substance, including vampire skin.
Less noticeable than these physical features is the vampire‘s tendency toward stillness.
Unlike humans, who grow uncomfortable after holding one physical position for a time,
vampires are most comfortable when perfectly motionless. A common vampire reaction to stress
is a statue-like immobility.
Vampires breathe reflexively, as do humans, but they have no need for oxygen. They are
able to consciously stop breathing for an indefinite period, but they find the sensation
uncomfortable. Vampires rely on their sense of smell above other senses, similar to many animal
predators. The lack of smell is what causes the discomfort from not breathing.
Some very old vampires are visibly different from others because of this stillness. If a
vampire remains unmoving often enough over thousands of years, dust actually begins to petrify
in response to the venom-like liquids that lubricate his eyes and skin. Eventually, a vampire‘s
skin begins to appear thin and translucent, like the skin of an onion—though the strength of the
skin is not compromised. A milky film covers the eyes, making the irises appear pink in color.
Again, the vampire‘s eyesight is not compromised.
Internally, the vampire‘s system contains many venom-based fluids that resemble, and in
some cases perform the same function as, the human fluids that were replaced. Only the salivalike
liquid in the vampire‘s mouth is venomous. A fluid similar to this venom works as a
lubricant between the hard cells of the skin, making movement possible. Another lubricates the
vampire‘s eyes so they can move easily in their sockets. However, vampires do not produce
tears, as tears exist to protect the eye from damage by small foreign objects, and those objects
would not be able to harm a vampire‘s eye. Throughout the body, this pattern is repeated, with
venom-like fluids performing the functions that are still necessary to the vampire. Most notably
absent is the circulatory system.
Vampires are frozen in the state at which they are transformed.
Vampires are frozen in the state at which they are transformed. They do not grow older,
taller, or wider, or experience any other physical change, including unconsciousness (vampires
never sleep). Their fingernails and hair do not grow. Their hair does not change color.
HAIII~~~ DO YOU KNOW? Sebentar lagiii, cerita gue bakal selesai!
uyeee, project 2 tahun yang akhirnya terselesaikan *alhamdulillah* kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
uyeee, project 2 tahun yang akhirnya terselesaikan *alhamdulillah* kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Ini dia lagi nyanyiin salah satu soundtrack di The King 2 Hearts. Dia sempet nangis di akhir tapi suaranya masih merduuuuu
Kadang, gue suka prihatin kalo ngeliat anak anak SMP jaman sekarang. Apalagi yang cowok cowok. Apasih, mereka tuh udah nyoba SMOKING coba ?! Yang bener aja gila-_- Umur baru seumur jagung, duit masih pas pas an, masih berani aja SMOKING -_-
Gayanya sih ngetweet :
3 bulan yang lalu....
" Apasih hebatnya ngerokok? Kece? Engga. Smoker tuh gak kece sama sekali."
1 bulan kemudian...
" ***** smoke *photo* " Dia ngupload foto orang SMOKING dan mulai SMOKING.
Kurang peleh apa coba itu orang-_-
Banyak juga pacar pacar temen gue yang ngerokok. Dan itu buat gue illfill. Cowok? Smoking ?! ABSURD!
Ganteng sih ganteng, tapi kalo ngerokok, gantengnya ilang.
Kalo bapak gue sih ngerokok wajar. Udah dewasa, udah punya penghasilan sendiri. Coba anak smp? Duit masih minta ortu aja sok sok an ngerokok. CKCKCK.
Hahahaha, sebenernya ini curhatan gue. Cara untuk gue move on. Gue dulu ada rasa sama cowok itu, tapi karena dia ngerokok, gue jadi illfill dan udah move out jauh jauh dari dia.
Dan alhasil, gue balik lagi sama mantan gue, EDWARD CULLEN :) /kaburrrr/
Gayanya sih ngetweet :
3 bulan yang lalu....
" Apasih hebatnya ngerokok? Kece? Engga. Smoker tuh gak kece sama sekali."
1 bulan kemudian...
" ***** smoke *photo* " Dia ngupload foto orang SMOKING dan mulai SMOKING.
Kurang peleh apa coba itu orang-_-
Banyak juga pacar pacar temen gue yang ngerokok. Dan itu buat gue illfill. Cowok? Smoking ?! ABSURD!
Ganteng sih ganteng, tapi kalo ngerokok, gantengnya ilang.
Kalo bapak gue sih ngerokok wajar. Udah dewasa, udah punya penghasilan sendiri. Coba anak smp? Duit masih minta ortu aja sok sok an ngerokok. CKCKCK.
Hahahaha, sebenernya ini curhatan gue. Cara untuk gue move on. Gue dulu ada rasa sama cowok itu, tapi karena dia ngerokok, gue jadi illfill dan udah move out jauh jauh dari dia.
Dan alhasil, gue balik lagi sama mantan gue, EDWARD CULLEN :) /kaburrrr/
Super Showcase - SJM's upcoming album talk - Donghae focus (& kyuhyun - eunhyuk) http://youtu.be/pa34RGDstFA (haetongue)
Yep, this is the fancam about leeteul's graduation in army. CREDIT : AS TAGGED
One part of renesmee's bedroom. OHMYGOD! I wonder if i have a room like this. So, simple, but elegant, luxury and cute :3333
One of renesmee's buffet. Hm, it's cute enough but i don't know why i feel the doll is horror ._.
The full image! KYAAAA >//< The Teddy Bear is soo cute :333
This is the living room! Hmmm, it's the place where renesmee's parents do 'a thing' -if-you-know-what-i-mean-
geudaeleul saranghae my love modeun geol julgeyo oh my love
jeo haneul-ui byeolboda geudaeleul balghyeojul geyo
kkeutnae jwoyo geudaeneun modeun ge wanbyeoghae
geu eotteon nugudo bigyohal sueobsneun han song-i jangmi
kkochboda aleumdaun geudaeneun laillag hyang-giboda hyang-i joh-ayo
nae yeop-eul jinal ttaen meoli heutnallil ttaen naemsaega joh-a
cheoncheonhi naege dagawa jullaeyo nae ma-eum-i nog-a naelyeoyo
geudaeleul saranghae my love modeun geol julgeyo oh my love\
jeo haneul-ui byeolboda geudaeleul balghyeojul geyo
han song-i kkochboda geudaeneun yeppeoyo nun-i busyeoyo
salanghago iss-eoyo kkochboda geunyeo
yeogil bwayo daleun gos-eun boji mal-ayo
geudaeui du nun-e namalgo daleun geon damji mal-ayo
jogeumman ppalli dagawa jullaeyo nae ma-eum-i tadeul-eogayo
geudaeleul saranghae my love modeun geol julgeyo oh my love
jeo haneul-ui byeolboda geudaeleul balghyeojul geyo
han song-i kkochboda geudaeneun yeppeoyo nun-i busyeoyo
salanghago iss-eoyo kkochboda geunyeo
geudaeleul saranghae my love modeun geol julgeyo oh my love
jeo haneul-ui byeolboda geudaeleul balghyeo julgeyo
geudaeman balaboneun nan haebalagi
neon saeppalgan jangmi geudaen nae salm-ui jeonbu
geudaeleul saranghaeyo
The 1st Breaking Dawn part 2 premiere in Los Angeles :) Such an beauty angel *_*
At MTV Movie Awards 2011! Her red dress with her white skin, make her the most gorgeous than anybody else
At MTV Movie Awards 2012! I love her dress! So, simple but still great! Ah, I love you stewart :-**
For the one of London Magazine :) Gorgeous Kristen Stewart {}
Bella Swan! One scene of New Moon :) Sooo, beautiful.
KYAAAA >< Really, this one is my favorite <3 <3 Love you, sweetie.
The one of UK Magazine again :)
At Kids Choice Awards 2012!!! She's beautiful in every way *_*
When she won the awards! Congratulations, sweetie:*
This one is sooooo gorrrgeeeoouuusssss
Look! Her shoes! Sneakers addict! And i love her style {}
Which one is your favorite ? All of them :*
ROBSTEN!! Look at Kristen's necklace! She always use the necklace whenever and wherever! Robsten is Unbroken!!!
This is the new photo!! Kris kris kris!!! Why are you soo beautifulll??
A new born vampire! Bella! New Mrs.Cullen
Her smile! Her eyes! I have no words to explain how wonderful she is
Sexy kristen stewart kkkkk
O-ow... stilll beauty.
Bella Swan~~~
At Comic Con 2012! Her smile!!! *died* Look!! She wears the ring! The ring from rob ^^
Everyside is beauty. She was born to be beautiful u,u Look at her necklace and ring! lalallala~~
Cute robsten moment ;;)
Kris, *_*
You smile, I smile :)
The new born find the clue o_o
Really, I Really love her! I always adore her beauty and her style. She is simple girl. No need an extravagant things. She is beautiful in her way. Not just beautiful, I love her. I love Kristen Stewart. Since i'm still in elementary school!
Don't know why, lagi pengen aja ngupload foto si vampir unyu munyu ini. Kkkkkk~ Benjamin! Egyptian Coven! Special abilitynya, bisa mengontrol segala unsur unsur yang ada di dekatnya, seperti es, pasir, udara, air. Tapi jangan salah yak, walau kesannya kaya avatar aang-__- tapi dia lebih unyu dan dangerousss.....
Yups! Inilah lagunya "AOA - GET OUT" Mencerminkan tentang seorang cewek yang dikhianati sama cowok nya. Jadi, cewek ini tuh kaya mengutuk cowoknya untuk gabisa dapetin cewek yang lebih baik dari dia. Wooww! Kece! Serius ini kece! Go listen and watch ! Enjoyyy
AOA - GET OUT [Hangul+Rom+English] LYRICS
Hangul :
Romanized :
piryo eobseo I will kick you ah ah ah
I wanna say good bye to you
Why neoneun naega animyeon
maeryeog eobtneun namja huh
chaggag hajima jebal you don’t wanna taking about
필요 없어 I will kick you ah ah ah
I wanna say good bye to you
Why 너는 내가 아니면
매력 없는 남자 huh
착각하지마 제발 you don’t wanna taking about
I wanna say good bye to you
Why 너는 내가 아니면
매력 없는 남자 huh
착각하지마 제발 you don’t wanna taking about
너는 다른 남자들과 다를
거란 네 말 믿었었는데
저리가 get out get out get out get out
내 눈 앞에서 사라져
바쁘다는 너의 말도 어떤
거짓말도 다 믿었는데
저리가 get out get out get out get out
그런 날 갖고 놀았어
거란 네 말 믿었었는데
저리가 get out get out get out get out
내 눈 앞에서 사라져
바쁘다는 너의 말도 어떤
거짓말도 다 믿었는데
저리가 get out get out get out get out
그런 날 갖고 놀았어
어이없어 oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
정신이 나갔니 oh oh oh oh oh
이제는 정말 끝이야
정신이 나갔니 oh oh oh oh oh
이제는 정말 끝이야
세상에서 나보다 예쁜 세상에서 나보다 착한
그런 여잔 다신 네 인생에없어
정신차려 바보야
세상에서 나보다 예쁜 세상에서 나보다 착한
여자는 많지만 절대 네 건 아냐
바보 바보야 왜 그걸 모르니
그런 여잔 다신 네 인생에없어
정신차려 바보야
세상에서 나보다 예쁜 세상에서 나보다 착한
여자는 많지만 절대 네 건 아냐
바보 바보야 왜 그걸 모르니
첨엔 소중했던 내가 사랑했던
내가 지겨워졌니
저리가 get out get out get out get out
한 눈 팔지 말고 꺼져
내가 지겨워졌니
저리가 get out get out get out get out
한 눈 팔지 말고 꺼져
어이없어 oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
정신이 나갔니 oh oh oh oh oh
이제는 정말 끝이야
정신이 나갔니 oh oh oh oh oh
이제는 정말 끝이야
세상에서 나보다 예쁜 세상에서 나보다 착한
그런 여잔 다신 네 인생에 없어
정신차려 바보야
세상에서 나보다 예쁜 세상에서 나보다 착한
여자는 많지만 절대 네 건 아냐
바보 바보야 왜 그걸 모르니
그런 여잔 다신 네 인생에 없어
정신차려 바보야
세상에서 나보다 예쁜 세상에서 나보다 착한
여자는 많지만 절대 네 건 아냐
바보 바보야 왜 그걸 모르니
oh 날 따라다녔던 건 너야
너를 받아준 게 나야 찌질 했던
너를 내가 받아줘서 너 용 된 거야
나만을 바라보던 네 시선이
이제는 요리조리 다른 데로 빙빙
매력 없는 너를 받아줄 사람
절대 없어 never
너를 받아준 게 나야 찌질 했던
너를 내가 받아줘서 너 용 된 거야
나만을 바라보던 네 시선이
이제는 요리조리 다른 데로 빙빙
매력 없는 너를 받아줄 사람
절대 없어 never
이젠 정말 너라면 싫어
무릎 꿇고 빌어도 싫어 oh
무릎 꿇고 빌어도 싫어 oh
세상에서 너보다 잘난 세상에서 너보다 멋진
그런 남자 많아 지금도
내 곁에 줄을 서고 있는데
너를 사랑하진 않았어
네 애원에 만났을 뿐이야
내게 신경 꺼줘 네가 더 불쌍해
바보 바보야 왜 그걸 모르니
그런 남자 많아 지금도
내 곁에 줄을 서고 있는데
너를 사랑하진 않았어
네 애원에 만났을 뿐이야
내게 신경 꺼줘 네가 더 불쌍해
바보 바보야 왜 그걸 모르니
ha i yah la ha i ya oh oh oh oh oh oh
지금이라도 정신 좀 차릴래
지금이라도 정신 좀 차릴래
Romanized :
piryo eobseo I will kick you ah ah ah
I wanna say good bye to you
Why neoneun naega animyeon
maeryeog eobtneun namja huh
chaggag hajima jebal you don’t wanna taking about
neoneun dareun namja deulgwa dareul
georan ne mal mideosseot neunde
jeoriga get out get out get out get out
nae nun apeseo sarajyeo
bappeu daneun neoui maldo eotteon
geojit maldo da mideot neunde
jeoriga get out get out get out get out
geureon nal gatgo norasseo
georan ne mal mideosseot neunde
jeoriga get out get out get out get out
nae nun apeseo sarajyeo
bappeu daneun neoui maldo eotteon
geojit maldo da mideot neunde
jeoriga get out get out get out get out
geureon nal gatgo norasseo
eoi eobseo oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
jeong sini nagatni oh oh oh oh oh
ijeneun jeongmal kkeut iya
jeong sini nagatni oh oh oh oh oh
ijeneun jeongmal kkeut iya
sesang eseo naboda yeppeun sesangeseo naboda chaghan
geureon yeojan dasin ne in saenge eobseo
jeongsin charyeo baboya
sesang eseo naboda yeppeun sesangeseo naboda chaghan
yeoja neun manh jiman jeoldae ne geon anya
babo baboya wae geugeol moreuni
geureon yeojan dasin ne in saenge eobseo
jeongsin charyeo baboya
sesang eseo naboda yeppeun sesangeseo naboda chaghan
yeoja neun manh jiman jeoldae ne geon anya
babo baboya wae geugeol moreuni
cheomen sojung haet deon
naega sarang haetdeon naega jigyeowo jyeotni
jeoriga get out get out get out get out
han nun palji malgo kkeojyeo
naega sarang haetdeon naega jigyeowo jyeotni
jeoriga get out get out get out get out
han nun palji malgo kkeojyeo
eoi eobseo oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
jeong sini nagatni oh oh oh oh oh
ijeneun jeongmal kkeut iya
jeong sini nagatni oh oh oh oh oh
ijeneun jeongmal kkeut iya
sesang eseo naboda yeppeun sesangeseo naboda chaghan
geureon yeojan dasin ne in saenge eobseo
jeongsin charyeo baboya
sesang eseo naboda yeppeun sesangeseo naboda chaghan
yeoja neun manh jiman jeoldae ne geon anya
babo baboya wae geugeol moreuni
geureon yeojan dasin ne in saenge eobseo
jeongsin charyeo baboya
sesang eseo naboda yeppeun sesangeseo naboda chaghan
yeoja neun manh jiman jeoldae ne geon anya
babo baboya wae geugeol moreuni
oh nal ttara danyeot deon geon neoya
neoreul bada jun ge naya jji jil haet deon
neoreul naega bada jwoseo neo yong doen geoya
namaneul bara bodeon ne siseoni
ijeneun yori jori dareun delo bing bing
maeryeog eobtneun neoreul bada jul saram
jeoldae eobseo never
neoreul bada jun ge naya jji jil haet deon
neoreul naega bada jwoseo neo yong doen geoya
namaneul bara bodeon ne siseoni
ijeneun yori jori dareun delo bing bing
maeryeog eobtneun neoreul bada jul saram
jeoldae eobseo never
ijen jeongmal neoramyeon sirheo
mureup kkulko bireodo sirheo oh
mureup kkulko bireodo sirheo oh
sesangeseo neoboda jalnan sesangeseo neoboda meot jin
geureon namja manha jigeumdo
nae gyeote jureul seogo it neunde
neoreul sarang hajin anhasseo
ne aewone manna sseul ppuniya
naege sing yeong kkeojwo nega deo bulssang hae
babo baboya wae geugeol moreuni
geureon namja manha jigeumdo
nae gyeote jureul seogo it neunde
neoreul sarang hajin anhasseo
ne aewone manna sseul ppuniya
naege sing yeong kkeojwo nega deo bulssang hae
babo baboya wae geugeol moreuni
ha i yah ra ha i ya oh oh oh oh oh oh
jigeum irado jeongsin jom charillae
jigeum irado jeongsin jom charillae
English :
I don’t need you, I will kick you ah ah ah
I wanna say good bye to you
Why – without me,
you’re a guy with no charm huh
Don’t kid yourself please, you don’t wanna talking about
You believed me when I said
you were different than other guys
Go away, get out get out get out get out,
get out of my sight
I believed you when you said
you were busy or anything else
Go away, get out get out get out get out
you played with me
I can’t believe it oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Are you out of your mind? oh oh oh oh oh
Now it’s really over
A prettier girl than me, a nicer girl than me
You won’t find a girl like that in your life ever again,
snap out of it fool
A prettier girl than me, a nicer girl than me
There may be girls like that but they’ll never be yours
Fool, fool, why don’t you know?
I was precious to you in the beginning
You loved me but now are you sick of me?
Go away, get out get out get out get out
don’t check anyone out but just go away
I can’t believe it oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Are you out of your mind? oh oh oh oh oh
Now it’s really over
A prettier girl than me, a nicer girl than me
You won’t find a girl like that in your life ever again,
snap out of it fool
A prettier girl than me, a nicer girl than me
There may be girls like that but they’ll never be yours
Fool, fool, why don’t you know?
Oh you’re the one who chased after me,
I’m the one who accepted you
I accepted you, the loser, and turned you into a hot guy
Your eyes that only looked at me
are now looking here and there, round and round
There won’t ever be a person who will
accept charm-less you, never
Now I really don’t like you
Even if you kneel and beg oh
A guy better than you, a guy hotter than you
There’s a lot of guys like that,
they’re lining up before me right now
I didn’t love you,
I only dated you because you begged me
Don’t think about me, you’re more pathetic
Fool, fool, why don’t you know?
Ha i yah la ha i ya oh oh oh oh oh oh
WIll you snap out of it now?
Yups, mari membahas, coven coven yang ada di Twilight Saga!
- Cullen Coven :
1. Carlisle - Esme
2. Emmet - Rosalie
3. Jasper - Alice
4. Bella - Edward
5. Renesmee Carlie Cullen
- Denali Coven
1. Kate - Garrett (Garrett ketemu Kate di BDP2 dan memutuskan untuk berhenti jadi vampir nomads dan masuk ke clan Denali)
2. Tanya
3. Eleazar - Carmen
4. Irina - Laurent ( Walau Laurent udah mati, dia masih bisa dibilang masuk ke Denali Coven)
- Irish Coven
1. Liam - Siobhan
2. Maggie
- Egyptian Coven
1. Amun - Kebi
2. Benjamin - Tia
- Romanian Coven
1. Vladimir
2. Stefan
- Amazon Coven
1. Zafrina
- Volturi Coven
1. Aro
2. Caius
3. Marcus
4. Jane
5. Alec
6. Felix
7. Demetri
8. dan segenap pasukan yang cuma jadi pemeran pembantu di BDP2
- Cullen Coven :
1. Carlisle - Esme
2. Emmet - Rosalie
3. Jasper - Alice
4. Bella - Edward
5. Renesmee Carlie Cullen
- Denali Coven
1. Kate - Garrett (Garrett ketemu Kate di BDP2 dan memutuskan untuk berhenti jadi vampir nomads dan masuk ke clan Denali)
2. Tanya
3. Eleazar - Carmen
4. Irina - Laurent ( Walau Laurent udah mati, dia masih bisa dibilang masuk ke Denali Coven)
- Irish Coven
1. Liam - Siobhan
2. Maggie
- Egyptian Coven
1. Amun - Kebi
2. Benjamin - Tia
- Romanian Coven
1. Vladimir
2. Stefan
- Amazon Coven
1. Zafrina
- Volturi Coven
1. Aro
2. Caius
3. Marcus
4. Jane
5. Alec
6. Felix
7. Demetri
8. dan segenap pasukan yang cuma jadi pemeran pembantu di BDP2
THE GREENDAY - FORGOTTEN ! Menjadi salah satu lagu andalan setelah A Thousan Years. Lagunya emang asik dan wajib untuk di dengerin. Check it out!
Nahh! disini ada yang spesial! "Nikki Reed ft. Paul McDonald - All i've ever needed" Yang twihards pasti tau kenapa, karena........ Nikki Reed ada dilagu ini! Uwoww!
Langsung aja kali yak gue share yang "FULL" biar gacape ngetik. wkwkwk. Nih, fullnya! ENJOY :)
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