I'll write in english and bahasa so, don't get confused, just read/see the photos lol
I'm pretty sure, many of you have known about REPLY 1994. And you guys may have watched it. It's the last week for reply 1994. In saturday, we will know who is najung's husband actually.
Ehya, almost forgot...
- Go Ara as Sung Na Jung
- Yoo Yeon Seok as Chilbong
- Jung woo as Trash Oppa
Selama beberapa bulan terakhir ini, kita udah di puter puter sama writernim yang sangat sangat minta dicium itu :* /lol/
Di episode 17, itu najung-trash moment. Tapi di episode 18-19 itu najung-chilbong moment. Jujur aja ya pas nonton ep 16-17 itu gue gasampe 2 jam. Because I skipped 16-17 too much lol.
Pasti kalian lagi kesel dan pengen cepet cepet drama ini berakhir. Hmm, sebenernya sih gue juga hahaha tapi nanti gabisa liat chilbong lagi :(
At first, before i ship chilbong, i think "Whether it's chilbong or trash oppa it's okay for najung. Because even though trash is that 'mess' he is a funny person and very clever." But when I ship chilbong I always think "It's actually up to you, najung. But please choose chilbong. He has loved you for 6 years. And still love you. He has confessed 3 times, why you can't even answer him? Even if you can't accept him why don't you just reject him? It will be clear for him :( But I still hope you accept him. At the other side, it's only you who confessed to trash, and he never answer you properly right? He has never confessed to you, I think. He never said "I love you" or something else like that. He only kissed you when he accepted you. Heol, chilbong has kissed you twice! Lol! And I think the reason why trash accept you that fast because of chilbong. Before chilbong told him that he has confessed to you, trash still think about accept your feelings very carefully. But when chilbong told him, he became mad and afraid to lose you and didn't think long about it."
I think that way XD. Dan juga yaaaa, najung-trash itu kaya emang bukan jodoh dari awal. Najung-trash is not supposed to be together right from the start. Why? First, Najung may feel that she likes trash. But I don't think she 'really like' him as a man. She may only like him because he has lived with him so long. And that's like a platonic love. Hmm, i think that way. And second, when they were dating, trash need to went to busan for several months. And it blocks their relationship for sure. But busan is not that far, so they still can make up with it. Third, when they were preparing for wedding, najung's father got bankruptcy and korea was in crisis too. They didn't have money that month when they wedding is only several months later. And a month before their wedding, najung finally got a proper work. But she need to went to australia for 2 years. She went on jan 10th when their wedding on jan 25th. And at the end, they pushed back their wedding. That's actually obvious that there were so many problems that block their way to be together. Fourth, they did a long distance relationship. Australia is not busan. They can't be so close everytime. At first, they were still calling everyday. But day by day they lost in touch. Trash can't answer najung's call because he was toooooo busy with his work as a doctor. You know that doctor is so freaking busy. And when trash had a chance to call najung, najung fells asleep and can't answer his phone. And at the end, they are breaking up. Really break up. (As team chilbong, i am happy for sure hahahaha) Because when najung back to korea after 2 years, najung and trash didn't meet each other again. You know that is a normal thing between ex-s right? Fifth, when trash told najung's father about their relationship, najung's father didn't approve them. Because of what? He told him in ep19, because he already assumed him as his son. Trash is like a son for najung's father. When najung's biologic oppa died, he came to the house and said that he will act like najung's father real son and it comforted him so much. But when he told him that he was dating najung, he disappointed. Because he thought that he lost his son again. You can see it now, najung and trash break up, they won't see each other again. Trash can't visit or even call her house.
Those are actually obvious reason for me. Yah, bukan cuma untuk menghibur diri aja sih sebagai team chilbong, tapi juga lebih mengerti jalan ceritanya. Kayanyaa sih emang mereka gak jodoh. Najung sama trash itu kaya ga jodoh emang. Mereka lebih mentingin kerjaan mereka gitu. Emang sih kerjaan lebih penting, tapi karena gitu, mereka gabisa bareng soalnya sama sama sibuk. Hubungan kalo dua duanya sibuk, udah gabakal sehat.
And these are the reason why I think chilbong is najung's husband.
Chilbong ketemu najung pertama kali. Dia juga udah suka dari pertama kali. Udah keliatan jelas sih dari sikapnya dia ke najung. Modus modus gitu lol
First, when they played a game that have 2 options. One of the option is drinking alcohol but if they won't drink alcohol, they can kiss with person that the king choose. For more information, just watch it lol. Chilbong can't drink alcohol again because everyone drunk because of too much alcohol. And then instead of alcohol, chilbong kissed najung because he wanted too! lol ini modus abis. Tapi ketika semua orang pada teler, dan gak ngeliat mereka ciuman, cuma trash yang ngeliat dengan tatapan kosong. Lol.
Second, chilbong was confessing in the new year of 1995 and kiss her for the second time! You need to watch this scene! omg so sweet of him! Third, when chilbong has known that najung and trash are dating :( he still nice with najung, he didn't crush their relationship but he didn't give up. He still love her even though he knew that najung really like trash. Chilbong need to went to Japan for baseball team and couldn't meet najung. And at the last night of chilbong in korea, he told najung that "If we happen meet each other again, and there's no one beside you, let's date" AAAAA SCREAMS! WHAT A GUY! HUHUHU. That's why I like him kekekekekek. But when he knew that najung and trash are going to get married, he only smiled :( and said that "as time passes, i'll be okay" huhuhuhu. Fourth, chilbong finally back to Korea! After najung and trash break up. Even after went to japan so long, he still meet najung! He still had an unexpected moment with najung. And the sad thing is, chilbong needs to go to america :( but he spent his days in korea before went to america with najung! Only two of them! And at the end, chilbong confessed again. In ep19! Even after 6 years has passed, he still like her. What a guy omg......
The conclusion is, even they were apart, they still end up meet each other. Not like najung and trash. That's what i think...
I think najung finally realized her true feelings. Ah but i don't know. Writernim can CHANGE everything in just ONE EPISODE.
I think the feels than najung had when she was 20 is just a teenager feel. Not a true feel. Now that she is mature, she can realized and know who really love her and who she loves. And I hope she finally realizes that chilbong is the right person! It's really a thought-provoking story. Writernim doesn't tell us the destiny, but the journey. I hope the finale will be amazing!
And these are proofs that me and my drama lover friend collect XDDDDDD
One thing that i think right is, the subtitle of episodes are referring to chilbong... just read it on wikipedia. I just know it ystd lol

Look at the groom's chin!!! I think that's chilbong's chin!!!! And yeah, if you remember, in 2012 najung still call trash as "oppa" not "yeobo"

The top is groom's photo. The bottom is trash's photo. And the right one is chilbong's photo. You can see it. I think the groom is chilbong :(

this is interesting hahahaha
I only share my thought. I can't stop thinking about blog. And finally I blog this! Hahahahah! I really still hope that chilbong is the husband :( If not, well........ I may just going down with my ship. Lol
Okay guys, let's see who will be najung's husband.
Forgive about grammar, and enjoy my post. Heheheheh. Thank you guys! Let's wait for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!
Love, Stellen
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